Matusikkerhet for nyankomne: Webinar 4.mai 2022
Onsdag 4.mai 2022 arrangerte Helseetaten og OsloMet et felles webinar om matusikkerhet. Nøyaktig 5 år etter at nettsiden først ble opprettet.
Onsdag 4.mai 2022 arrangerte Helseetaten og OsloMet et felles webinar om matusikkerhet. Nøyaktig 5 år etter at nettsiden først ble opprettet.
Tiltakene i handlingsplanen skal bidra til sunt kosthold og måltidsglede for å fremme helse og forebygge kostholdsrelaterte sykdommer. For å få til endringer i kostholdet, e ...
In the car towards Fredrikstad we feel exited, on our way to spend yet another day with this amazing group of strong fighters creating different fish based dishes and today we a ...
Vi i Faggruppe for migrasjoshelse i Helseetaten, ønsker å styrke målgruppens evne til å vurdere, samt å ivareta sin egen og familiens helse.
The day in Bjørnebekk started with a short theoretical introduction sharing the benefits of eating fish as well as looking at cheep ways of including it in our weekly diet. At ...
In the car towards Fredrikstad we feel exited, on our way to spend yet another day with this amazing group of strong fighters creating different fish based dishes and today we a ...
Sunn Start believes that to be true, not only when it comes to sharing a plate of food but most of all when it come to sharing our time. Time is one of the most valuable things ...
Sunn Start believes that to be true, not only when it comes to sharing a plate of food but most of all when it come to sharing our time. Time is one of the most valuable things ...
Healthy food something we all know a bit about, or do we? Healthy food is something that we all think we now a little bit about, but at the same time we seem to forget most of i ...